
A single LED stripe is positioned in front of an array of thin, vertical shaped glasses. From a certain angle of view, using the so called Pepper's Ghost effect, an array of vertical light beams emerges, floating in mid air at various positions. The light beams appear and disapearing one after the other as visitors pass by the installation.

Around 15 vertical glowing lines float in midair in front of a window with garden in the back.

Installation view

Multiple glasses in variouse shapes hanging from the ceiling

Hanging glass fragments

Close up
              of a LED stripe

Single LED stripe in front of the installation

A wooden plate with magmets and rings fron which wires hang down.

Ceiling mount

Realised with great support from NEUSTART KULTUR and Stiftung Kunstfonds

Multiple glasses in variouse shapes hanging from the ceiling Multiple glasses in variouse shapes hanging from the ceiling