

Commissioned by PCH Innovations

For [project ͻ:mεga] Edition Ω I, I visualized the scientific research corresponding to string theory’s complex aspect of multi-dimensions through a mathematical construct describing parts of nature too small to see with the human eye, called ‘Calabi-Yau’. Then I animated a 10-dimensional model of the construct’s intricate, yet minimalist aesthetic within a true 3D holographic projection, integrating stereoscopic technology as its heart to produce a unique, experiential artifact.

A projected mathematical spherical shape inside a glass cube in front of the Berlin skyline.

Holographic projection in front of Berlin roof tops.

A projected mathematical spherical shape inside a glass cube.

The Ω I Artifact showcases the Calabi-Yau 'compactification' of a 10-dimensional reality perceived through our 4-dimensional environment.

A projected mathematical spherical shape inside a glass cube, seen from the side which allows to see to 45° mirror.

The holographic object consists of a glass cube with an integrated stereoscopic display (Pepper's Ghost effect).