

Commissoned by V2_ Rotterdam

Pulse is a live-visualization of recent emotional expressions, written on private weblogs hosted at wordpress.com. Weblog entries are compared to a list of emotions, which refers to Robert Plutchik's seminal book Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion published in 1980. Plutchik describes eight basic human emotions in his book: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. He developed a diagram in which these eight emotions, together with their weakened and amplified counterparts, form a three dimensional cone, consisting of 24 projects. The cone is the basic form of pulse, which can enlarge in the 24 directions of the different emotions. Each time an emotion tag, or a synonym of it, is found in a recent blog entry, the shape-shifting object transforms itself in such a way that the new volume represents a piece of the overall current emotional condition of surfers on the Internet.

Developed in the Digital Media Class at the University of the Arts Berlin.

Plutchik proposed the wheel of emotions.

Plutchik proposed the wheel of emotions in 1980 to illustrate the various relationships among emotions

Latex object inside acrylic casing

Latex object inside acrylic casing

Red latex object, servo motors, wires

Servo motors, wires

Close up of the latex object, showing emotion written onto its surface.

Emotion projects according to Robert Plutchiks Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion

Detail bending latex object

Detail latex object

Multiple people stand around the glass cube and look surprised at the latex object.

Presentation of v2008 at UdK Berlin

Latex object with spring mechanics

v2012 with spring mechanics

Latex object with milled components

Milled components in v2012.

Exhibition view at DEAF Rotterdam: Left a laptop hanging from the ceilig. Right the latex object.

Exhibition view at DEAF Rotterdam.